COERR Mae Sarieng organized Training on Protection against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse for COERR Camp Based Refugee Staff (CBRS) in Ban Mae La Oon Temporary Shelter on June 7, 2023 in which 24 CBRS of 10 females and 14 males participated; and in Ban Mae Lama Luang on June 8, 2023 in which 29 CBRS of 16 females and 13 males participated.
The objectives of the training are
1) To reinforce and understand the key learning concepts of sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and abuse
2) To raise awareness about SEA prevention policy and procedure
The trainer had clarified the definition of PSEA as Sexual Harassment, Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Assault, together with Case Studies for analysis and law enforcement.
For the humanitarian operations, all COERR’s CBRS acted ethically, without seeking benefit for themselves. CBRS has responsibility to protect and provide training to the communities about their rights and in case of sexual abuse, the communities learn how to report to organizations concerned for further assistance.
Should there be a suspect evidence that SEA occurred, COERR Mae Sariang declared PSEA Reporting Structure as follows:
COERR’s PSEA Structure: Once community member, CBRS and Program Officer witness such SEA, report whether verbally, followed by Incident Report Form, or in letter or email, should be immediately made and sent to COERR Mae Sariang Manager as Focal Point of PSEA, who would then appoint the Investigation Team and report the result of the fact finding to higher management. The consequence might lead to law enforcement.

PSEA Training in Ban Mae La Oon and Mae Lama Luang
Temporary Shelters
